Thursday, August 9, 2007

Cook offers a Quickie!

Express Checkout made its debut July 25th and has been the talk of the library ever since! While the Circulation staff is still trying to determine its current capabilities and limitations, our patrons are very receptive to this new service. Unfortunately, this enthusiasm among some speed-of-light users has resulted in an unusual number of alarms going off at Circulation.

Not even Gaby's manicured nails could draw the attention of some Express Checkout patrons. A picture is not always worth a thousand (printed) words. One overzealous patron rushed up and began using the checkout by running his library card along the DVD unlocker and couldn't understand why nothing was happening!

Moms have suggested having an additional Express Checkout in the Children's Room to make more efficient use of their time while their children are in story time. Other patrons like the privacy aspect of this service. There goes our fun!

For those of you who have not as yet used the Express Checkout, try it out soon. We are looking for feedback from as many people as possible, so leave a comment below.


Katie said...

Here's an update on the Express Checkout alarm issue: Geac PLUS is sending the Express Checkout instructions to only desensitize the spine of all items.

This is what we want for VHS tapes and audiobooks on cassettes, because we don't want them erased by the full desensitization.

The problem is that books and CDs need full desensitization on the spine and the tray of the machine and spine-only desensitization isn't desensitizing the items. It is kind of like using the VHS block to desensitize everything - it just doesn't cut it.

We're working with Geac to resolve this issue.

Andrea J. said...

Do DVD spines need to be desensitized too, or is unlocking the case sufficient? The on-screen instructions don't say to desensitize the case.

Jeanne said...

I like it. like shopping at jewel

Anonymous said...

We'll really need it when there is no Circulation in AV!

It's easy to use too.