Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Word of the Week

Navigation Bar

A navigation bar provides an easy way to move around among a web site's main sections. It usually extends along the top or side of a web page and contains buttons that link to various pages in the site. The navigation bar provides a quick reference for the contents of the site and a way to navigate through various levels.
In Millennium the navigation bar runs down the left side of the page. It’s headed by the Millennium logo. Click on that to open the Millennium Control Bar if you want to switch to a different Application (Circulation, Cataloging, Serials, etc). Below the logo is a button indicating the mode (function or task) currently displayed, followed by buttons identifying all the various other modes available in the active application.

This weeks WOW is courtesy of Jane Trump.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Wouldn't it be cool to have a navigation bar that you could just click on and it would navigate you thru life. Thanks Jane