Thursday, December 20, 2007

As Fabulous as Millennium

The incredibly talented Deb L. possesses the astounding ability to transform herself before our very eyes. On Halloween, you may have seen her transformation from lovely library lady to Thrift Store Bag Lady. Today, witness her transforming to the opposite end of the glamour spectrum -- to goddess of the silver screen.

The competition's heating up in the Mr. / Ms. Millennium contest. Who will be the winner? You decide!


Jeanne said...

I can't wait to listen with sound. LOL

Anonymous said...

Bravo! Bravo!
Encore! Encore!

Deb, you're such a superstar!
Heather B.

Anonymous said...

To think we have a "goddess" in our midst is truly astounding!

Rusch Girl said...

Without sound that was very cool. With sound, I cannot wait! :)

Anonymous said...

Truly a glamorous goddess!