My boss defies the rules by selling the steak AND the sizzle!
Do you believe in corporal punishment for people who dog-ear pages in library books?
What’s the gross national product of Djibouti?
Is the sky blue?
What color is your shirt?
What color is your shirt?
Posted by Cook Memorial Public Library District at 2:26 PM
Mr./Ms. Millennium,
The word index can mean a lot of things to a lot of people – even in library land!
In the new Millennium system Index refers to the criteria you search by. If you go back a few Words of the Week to the word Record you can see that each record contains certain types of information. The information in each record is organized or “indexed” in a way that allows Millennium to easily search for specific types of information.
This leads us to Indexing. Indexing is the process that Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (the maker of Millennium) went through to set up our database. Innovative’s data analysts took a look at the data from our GEAC system and figured out which part (or “field”) of each bibliographic record was the title, which was the author, and so forth. Then they took the information from certain fields (author, title, and call number, for example) and made a list of every piece of information from every record for each of those fields – in other words, an index!
When you do a search in the Millennium database (whether using Encore, WebPAC Pro or the Millennium staff client), Millennium looks for your term in one or more indexes. If you do a title search, Millennium checks for your terms in the title index. An author search checks the author index, and so forth. Other pieces of information you can search (also known as indexed fields, because they are pieces of data – a.k.a. “fields” – that are included in an index) are the subject headings, ISBN, and call number.
Indexes are important in our patron data, also. Because our patron records are stored in a database, and we need to retrieve a particular patron record when that patron is standing in front of us at the circulation desk, fields like the patron’s name and barcode are indexed, so that we can search for one of those pieces of information to find the right patron’s record in the database.
Mary Andrew contributed to this week’s WOW. Thanks, Mary!
Posted by Andrea J. at 10:54 AM
Word of the Week,
The incredibly talented Deb L. possesses the astounding ability to transform herself before our very eyes. On Halloween, you may have seen her transformation from lovely library lady to Thrift Store Bag Lady. Today, witness her transforming to the opposite end of the glamour spectrum -- to goddess of the silver screen.
The competition's heating up in the Mr. / Ms. Millennium contest. Who will be the winner? You decide!
Posted by Andrea J. at 9:25 AM
Mr./Ms. Millennium,
People in Library Land toss this term around quite often. But what is OCLC? OCLC is actually a non-profit organization who exists to give libraries greater access to information while reducing costs. What does this mean to us chickens at Cook Library? Lots! This is where the library gets most of its catalog records. Why start from scratch when cataloging a book or DVD when it’s already been done and ready to go? After all, OCLC owns the Dewey Decimal System! These are uniform records all set up to work with computer systems.
But there is much more to OCLC than just cataloging. OCLC maintains NetLibrary, our eBook and eAudiobook provider. OCLC provides access to online indexes of journals, and documents. We might not subscribe to The Journal of Parasitology, but we can quickly retrieve complete articles from the journal through OCLC. OCLC gives our Interlibrary Loan Department access to material across the country, and this brings us to Worldcat. Worldcat is just what it sounds like; a library catalog including holdings from libraries around the world! We can see titles owned by libraries from Fremont to Freiberg, Germany!
This week’s WOW is brought to you by guest WOW-er Mary Andrew. Thanks, Mary!
Posted by Andrea J. at 6:00 PM
Word of the Week,
Posted by Cook Memorial Public Library District at 9:00 AM
Mr./Ms. Millennium,
Perhaps you’re wondering what’s going on with Millennium. We ILS folks talk about it a lot, but not much seems to be happening yet. What’s taking so long?
Although it seems like a lot of “hurry up and wait,” right now, the ILS Committee is hard at work setting up the parameters for Millennium. Parameters are rules that must be spelled out to tell the system exactly what to do in any given situation.
Parameters are used to determine everything that Millennium does automatically, such as:
· Assigning a due date (and making sure it’s the right one) when a patron checks out a DVD
· Printing overdue notices after the appropriate amount of time has elapsed, in the format we’ve specified, with the text we’ve specified
· Determining whether or not an item can be renewed
· Maintaining a list of patron holds
· Assigning an item that’s been ordered to the proper library, shelf location, and fund
· Printing a purchase order with the information we want to have on it
Think of our transition to Millennium like building a new library. Not only would we have to build a building, but we also would have to buy shelving, carpet, computers, tables, chairs, and copy machines. We’d have to hire staff and create a work schedule for them. We’d have to put in telephones, hang up signs, buy books, catalog the books, and put spine labels and barcodes on them. We’d have to put the books on the shelves and make sure they were in order. We’d have to do some publicity so the public would know about the new library and what its hours were.
Some of the parameters being set up are customizations — changing from the Millennium default to the specifics for our library district, so that they match the way we do things. Others are blanks to be filled in — meaning that until some information is entered, that part of the system will not function at all. All of them are essential to making Millennium work for us!
Posted by Andrea J. at 9:00 PM
Word of the Week
Posted by Cook Memorial Public Library District at 3:55 PM
Mr./Ms. Millennium
First, the fun stuff -- Barb Jarvis has been selected as December's Snacker of the Month! She has elected to receive "something with chocolate in it." Congrats, Barb!
And now, the learning stuff (which is also fun, right?)... We're moving to a new format for the Word of the Week. From now on, check the I Luv Snacks blog for the new word of the week. A link to the most recent WOW, as well as (eventually, as I get them entered) to older WOWs, will appear in the right-hand sidebar.
So, without further ado, here's the Word of the Week!
A unit of information in the Millennium system. There are records for patrons, titles, items, and orders in Millennium.
Patron Record: contains identifying information for a patron, such as name and contact information, library card barcode, checked-out items, holds, fines and overdues.
Bibliographic Record: contains bibliographic information about a title in the library’s collection; that is to say: author, title, publication information, subject, and physical description.
Item Record: contains information about a specific copy of a title the library owns, such as the barcode, call number, and location.
Order Record: indicates that something has been ordered. This record includes information about how many copies were ordered, for what location, from which vendor, when, and with which funds.
Posted by Andrea J. at 12:00 AM
snacker of the month,
Word of the Week,