Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Millie will be arriving Wednesday!

Don't faint! Millie has arrived early!

After a lengthy selection process (we started looking in July 2006), we signed the contract for Millennium in July 2007. So we were "pregnant" for about 8 months. Millie was expected February 14, but she's arriving early on Wednesday, February 13th! And with less than 2.5% errors so she has all her fingers and toes.

Various ILS committee members will be working hard today to prepare for tomorrow. Don't use Millennium until Wednesday, February 13. We'll be going live with the following applications:

  • catalog
  • Circulation
  • ILL
  • Research Pro

Make an extra effort to help patrons at the catalogs over the next few weeks. Many departments have plans already in place to have staff manning the catalog stations during busy times to help introduce patrons to the new catalog.

Each department will receive sheets for reporting problems that may crop up.

Put on the"Discover the power of Library Search" buttons and welcome our wonderful Millie!


Jeanne said...

The ILS commitee should be so proud. Look how cute and easy to use (feed)

Anonymous said...

She's a cutie, but like any baby wait till it's screaming it's head off at 3 a.m. and burping up odd chunks of GEAC data!

Andrea J. said...

She's beautiful. You all must be very proud. Congratulations!

Lisa said...

Less than One week later, and she is just about sleeping through the night, what lucky parents we are!